Friday, September 14, 2018

Fact Checking Refresher

When and where did this occur?
Fact checking is in the news a lot these days because of fake news. Concurrent with the US midterm elections this fall, fake news is anticipated to increase, attempting to confuse voters about facts.

Warnings abound, for instance this article from Axios: Fake News 2.0: The propaganda war gets sophisticated.

Here are a few points from the article:
"Bad actors are looking to mimic more normal communications, instead of spewing bright commentary that could get them flagged for spreading hate or violence."
"Language and behaviors are becoming a lot more sophisticated and human-like to avoid detection."
"The new trend is bad actors taking advantage of existing polarization to manipulate groups of real people, as opposed to creating or pretending to be groups of people."

If deliberate deception is ever-evolving to be less obvious, fake news (not just what Trump calls fake news) will be all the harder to detect.

Fact checking is really the only remedy unless 1) your mind is already made up (you are polarized) and 2) you stay off the Web.

Let's assume there are still consumers of information whose minds aren't locked down and who venture online to be informed. How do they avoid consuming fake news?

Fact Check This

"FBI Agent Suspected in Hillary Email Leaks Found Dead of Apparent Murder-Suicide." This was a headline and story picked up by Facebook during the 2016 Presidential Campaign. (Pew Researchers recently reported that 62 percent of American adults get their news from social media, in particular, Facebook: close to two-thirds of Facebook users get news from the platform. So this story wasn't trivial.)

Fact checking involves looking for proper nouns, claims, images, dates and numbers that may easily be investigated.

One could start with the the source: The Denver Guardian. It sounds real but the Denver Guardian does not exist except in fiction. The Website was launched in July of 2016 and most of it was unfinished at the time the article appeared. Immediately the story loses credibility.

From the content of the story, other facts are waiting to be checked. For example, a reference that credits TV news station WHAG-TV with coverage of the story. Examination of that station's site reveals no coverage, another red flag. 

The image of a burning house in the Denver Guardian first appeared on Flickr in 2010. Drag the image above into Google Image Search and look for matches (excuse the pun). What do you find?

Fake news is not limited to a few inaccuracies: they abound.

Next time you read something with potential consequences, take a moment to fact check it out.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Advanced Searching

As part of developing curriculum strands to make it easier to use our site, we're pleased to announce a new MicroModule on Advanced Searching. Several of the search challenges we've authored involve using an unfamiliar database/search engine. In all these cases, the sites have their own advanced search filters, specifically, proprietary drop-down menu guides.

Since valuable information is found only in dedicated databases (there's one for almost any topic or subject), knowing how to use an unfamiliar search engine is part of information fluency that should not be overlooked.

You can find the new MicroModule here.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

New LEGO Challenge

Improvements in Google algorithm have made the Lego History Challenge too easy to solve as a Level 2 Challenge.

Consequently, a new challenge has replaced it:

This is one of six free search challenges on the Information Fluency site and is intended to help diagnose novice problems with querying. Failure to answer this challenge indicates one or more of the following:

1. Not understanding the question
2. Using more than a minimum of keywords
3. Not browsing effectively--skimming too fast

The answer does not appear in the snippets/abstracts if too many keywords are used, in which case browsing the results is necessary.

See how you do. It's a Level 2 (out of 6).

Monday, September 10, 2018

Finding and Fact-checking Information

Here is the third and final free preview in this series of WSI (Website Investigator) tutorials. The Fact Checking tutorial is a useful how-to for finding embedded info to evaluate.

Much has been said about information in a post-truth age. To some extent, truth is what you want to believe. However, there may be solid reasons to back up that belief, or none at all. When the information has value to pass along, it's a good idea to make sure the facts about it are consistent. Otherwise you risk looking like a fool, which unfortunately still has a tendency to mar one's reputation.

Consider an annual subscription to the entire Information Fluency site. All your students can access the WSI cases plus many more helpful resources for one calendar year. More info.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Evaluating the Publisher Preview

Here's a free preview of the Evaluate the Publisher tutorial that is part of the WSI (Website Investigator) package.

If you can't determine who the author is, consider the publisher. They own the site and this can tell you something about the contents: whether they are endorsed or not by a reputable publisher.

An annual subscription gives you and your students access to all Information Fluency resources for one calendar year. More info.

Friday, August 31, 2018

Evaluation Method: Authorship

Other than the personal sniff test, which can be tainted by subjectivity, savvy searchers have other means at their disposal to determine if news may be fake or not.

One of these methods involves investigating the AUTHOR of the work in question. Schools that subscribe to Information Fluency have access to WSI - Website investigator, five cases for students to test their evaluation skills. To assist students, a series of tutorials are provided. Today's free preview is the WSI Authorship Tutorial: Finding and Evaluating an Author.

For more information on an annual subscription, see the Benefits of Membership.

If your school is already using WSI, we'd love to hear how you integrate it with other instruction and what students are discovering.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Google Feud and Autocompletion

When you search using Google, you can't help but notice that Google autocompletes your queries. For example, if you type DRAGON FRUIT and then click in the search box, you'll see suggested queries like these:

  • dragon fruit how to eat
  • dragon fruit tree
  • dragon fruit side effects 
  • dragon fruit origin
  • dragon fruit recipes
  • dragon fruit calories
  • dragon fruit taste
  • red dragon fruit
Sometimes these guide your search, cluing you into things about dragon fruit you weren't aware of or the right words to use. Supposedly, the results are due to the popularity of terms used when searching for dragon fruit. For more information read this article.

This feature has been around a long time and Google wasn't the first to use it.

There's even a game that uses autocompleted queries: Google Feud

The game is instructive and aligns nicely with an Information Fluency observation: the "One in Five Rule." 
When creating queries your goal is to find a combination of keywords that are an exact match for the wording in the documents you seek. Different authors use different words to describe the same thing. There isn't strong evidence for the 1:5 ratio, but there are, on average, 13 synonyms per word, (see InfoWorld Dec 15, 1986). Considering that Web pages employ a limited range of language, it seems reasonable one's chances of searching for exactly the same keyword as a Web page author may be closer to 1 in 5. If an author uses a highly technical term, the ratio increases and you may never match it. In that case you have to search using contextual clues. The 1 in 5 "rule of thumb" means you should expect to revise your query more than once before matching keywords with an author. [Source]
Play Google Feud. How often do you match with any of the suggested queries?  There are four categories: CULTURE, PEOPLE, NAMES, QUESTIONS. I did poorly, matching the suggested keywords 7 times in 31 tries across the different categories. Interestingly, that's not much better than 1:5.

This experience opens a searcher's eyes to the possibilities that there are other words to use in queries than one person can think of. Finding the most relevant results depends on keywords another person has used. How you find those is a combination of trial and error, trying to think like the author whose words you are looking for and searching snippet results for clues to related words.