Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Keyword Search Challenge

Looking for a challenge to keep your search skills sharp? Identify the author of the image below:

Send your solution to wizard@21cif.com

Friday, September 28, 2018

Updated CSE Citation Wizards

The make-overs continue: CSE Wizards are now fit for service.

CSE is actually the most popular of our Wizards. Citation-Subject, Citation-Name, Name-Year formats are available for:

Online Journal
Online Book

In completing the upgrade, we discovered a few bugs (hyperlinks that didn't go where they should and a copy the citation function that failed). For that we apologize and are happy to say all's now been fixed.

If formats would be helpful other than the six we already offer, please let us know.

Try it out: https://21cif.com/tools/cite/cse/

For kicks: complete a C-N citation for this article: http://stke.sciencemag.org/content/11/549/eaav1646

Compare your experience to another CSE Citation Machine

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Refreshed APA Citation Wizard

Our APA Citation Wizard has just been updated and improved.  See:


Three different types of digital information formatting are available:

  1. Webpage (articles, etc.)
  2. Online Journal
  3. Online Book
Multiple options for each (missing information, citing a chapter instead of a book, citing a database, etc.) are programmed into the Wizard.

If you would like formatting other than the three choices listed, please let us know.

Monday, September 24, 2018

MLA Citation Wizard

Looking for an easy way to create MLA 8th ed. citations? Give our refreshed Citation Wizard a try.


The Wizard provides these formats:

Online Journal
Online Book
Online Video or Audio
Print Journal
Print Book
Print Magazine

If there are other formats you need frequently, let us know!

Friday, September 21, 2018

Rosenstein on the "rule of law" and education

Rod Rosenstein
image source: Wikipedia
Rod Rosenstein, Deputy Attorney General, has been in the news a lot lately. Today he defends himself as a victim of false reporting in connection with a report that he proposed using a wire secretly to tape conversations with Donald Trump (in an effort to impeach him).

He adamantly denies the accusation.

Back in August, another statement--reported in Bloomberg's Big Law Business--has relevance for this unfolding story:
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein called on lawyers to “accept a personal duty to keep the republic by teaching” the principles of the rule of law, which he said was critical to American democracy. 
Upholding “the rule of law is not just about litigation in courtrooms,” Rosenstein said. “It is also about education in classrooms and living rooms.”
When anyone is a victim of (dis)information, what are they to do? I guess you do what Rosenstein did today: deny it publicly (he has no trouble being picked up by the press) and hope that lawyers come to your aid by upholding the rule of law, including innocent until proven guilty. Interesting that he calls on lawyers to do the teaching.

Not many lawyers may heed the call to stand before students to impress on them how the law should work, but it's an interesting idea. Imagine a class or library session on evaluation that involves a lawyer. With so many accusations in the news, both justified and unjustified, what is the right approach to take? Rosenstein touches on that in this statement from the same Bloomberg article:
“The term ‘rule of law’ describes the government’s obligation to follow neutral principles,” and “reserve judgment until we have heard from all parties and completed a fair process,” Rosenstein said. 
It requires that we “avoid confirmation bias and remain open to the possibility that the truth may not match our preconceptions,” he said.
In an age of disinformation, this is sage advice for students to practice. It doesn't require a lawyer to teach it--any teacher or adult should be able to make this claim. Investigative searching, to be fair, must do the same: withhold judgment until the facts are checked.

In Rosenstein's recent predicament, the facts may be hard to check, as it may come down to who heard him say what and in what context. What words were used and what did they mean? Until then, it's good not to jump to conclusions, otherwise confirmation bias can play havoc.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Monkey This Up

The interest (reaction) generated by this phrase is worth noting:

“The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state. That is not going to work. That’s not going to be good for Florida.”

The author (speaker) is Ron DeSantis who is competing in the gubernatorial race in Florida this fall. The quote is part of a statement he made about his African American rival, Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum.

Republican and Democrats have joining in criticizing the use of the term 'monkey'.  The negative (stereotypical) association of 'monkey' with racial overtones has a long history, as the Washington Post points out.

  • Scientific theories about the relationship between apes and dark-skinned people were promulgated in the mid-1800's.
  • Museum displays depicting the evolution of primates to humans positioned the black adult next to the chimpanzee, according to author and historian W. E. B. Du Bois.
  • More recently, Rosanna Barr applied the comparison to a former Obama adviser, comparing her to an ape: “Muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby....”
Whether this term is an indicator of DeSantis' personal bias is unclear. The context might say otherwise as it's applied to the state of Florida, not necessarily his opponent. But based on the reaction, it's a poor choice of word and one that generated a bad press.

The words we use can be triggers. It's useful to know what they are and pay attention. 

A word like 'monkey' (even used as a verb) should pop out when read. That's often the way it is with bias. Instead of that word, what else could the author have used? And why didn't he?

Image source:
Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com is licensed by CC 3.0 BY

Monday, September 17, 2018

Locating Disinformation

Fragment of the cover of Disinformation,
a book by Ion Mihai Pacepa, ex-deputy 
chief of communist Romania’s foreign 
intelligence, and law professor 
Ronald J. Rychlak
Just finished reading a module produced for UNESCO to combat disinformation: Combatting disinformation and misinformationthrough Media and Information Literacy (MIL) by Magda Abu-Fadil.

It's a lesson that may be used by instructors over two 90 minute periods, divided this way: 1) theoretical (tools for detection) and 2) practical (fraudulent stories in the news and analysis).

The module doesn't state where to look for fraudulent news, just to use some examples from local news sources.

This raises the question, how does one find disinformation? It could take time to track down false news stories for the purposing of teaching.  Of course, not every story used for analysis doesn't need to be false; some should be legitimate (some absolutely need to be false).

When looking for examples of articles to fact check, I've queried fake news examples. This actually works pretty well, but the examples tend to be older. Finding something fresh and false requires some luck.

Fresh means resorting to news feeds. Here are some examples. Facebook was a source of disinformation in the 2016 election cycle. They are bound to be more diligent in 2018. So where would you look as this campaign heats up?

Where are you likely to find disinformation?  Leave a comment.